Blue Angels

As anyone who has ever lived in Annapolis knows, the Blue Angels fly every May for graduation. My family started a fun tradition of having a picnic lunch and watching the Angels do their incredible show. It always seems to be a hot day, so we pack a big lunch with lots of water, and a ball for the kids to kick around while we’re waiting for the show to start. blue angels, free family fun, annapolis

My kids are old enough now that we walk down to Hospital Field from our friends’ house in Murray Hill, but if you have younger ones, they may not want to be that close to the action as it can be really loud and therefore scary.

Here are some great places to watch them fly:

The open upstairs parking lots at the Annapolis Mall. You can drive right upstairs and watch from your car or get out, there aren’t too many cars up there moving around during the day, so you can likely find a spot where the kids will be safe out of the car.

Walk down to the playground in downtown at the corner of Compromise Street and Newman Street and the kids can play while watching the show.

Across the Severn at the WWII memorial. Bring a chair or blankets and set up a spot on the grass where the kids can move about, and you can see a great show.

Take your boat out on the mouth of the Severn, in Spa Creek, or on the Bay. flying over annapolis, blue angels, maryland capital

If you decide to walk down to Hospital Field (our favorite spot to view) you’ll have to go through the Naval Academy gates. Bring ID for anyone over 16, and The President will be speaking at graduation this year, so security may be be higher than most years.

Wherever you go, bring sound protection of some sort. We’ve used headphones or those little foam ear plugs. In my experience, ear plugs stay put a little better than the headphones.

Where is your favorite place to watch them fly? Do you have a special tradition?

Some logistics: On Tuesday, May 21, the Blue Angels will perform circle and arrival maneuvers between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. followed by a rehearsal of their flight demonstration between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. On Wednesday, May 22, the Blue Angels performance and flight demonstration will begin at 2 p.m. The crowds are the biggest on Wednesday, but Tuesday is also a great day to view. The Navy Bridge will close Tuesday from 10:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. and from 1:45 p.m. until the completion of rehearsal (approximately 4 p.m.), and on Wednesday it will be closed 1:45 p.m.- 4 p.m. or conclusion of flight demonstration.

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