The Gear you Need For Postpartum Recovery

The hospital has released you and the time has come to begin the postpartum journey at home. So what gear do you need to heal and start motherhood off on the right foot? Here’s a list of supplies to have BEFORE the baby arrives. Click links to order!

  1. Large cotton underwear 
  2. Various sizes of pads
  3. The Fridet MomWasher
  4. Pain relieving spray
  5. Lanolin nipple cream
  6. Soothies gel pads
  7. Medela or Spectra breast pump
  8. My Breast Friend nursing pillow
  9. Postpartum ice packs
  10. Simple bottles and size one bottle nipples
  11. Medela steam bags for cleaning bottles and breast pump accessories
  12. Freezer meals and easy snacks
  13. Postpartum doula
  14. Large water bottle
  15. Stool softeners
  16. Motrin

Why you NEED these things!

Large panties-
After your birth you will bleed for 3-6 weeks. Having comfy underwear is a must for pads to be comfortable and avoid further irritation to delicate, damaged tissue.

Various size pads- Bleeding can be different for each person. Some may bleed heavily for a few weeks and some may have light bleeding. Its nice to be prepared for whatever happens so you do not need to go out for more supplies.

The MomWasher- after birth you may have tears of varying degrees, and because urine is acidic it burns when in contact with those tissue injuries. Running warm water over your vagina while you urinate dilutes the urine and cleans the area.

Pain relieving spray- because of the likelihood of tissue injury during birth pain reliving spray is always nice!

Lanolin nipple cream- When you start breastfeeding you skin needs some time to get used to the wear and tear of constant nursing. This cream is great at healing, moisturizing, and preventing cracking.

Soothies nipple pads- another great resource for soothing and healing sore, painful nipples.

Brest Pump- It’s important to have a good, functioning pump. You may need to pump down engorged breasts so the baby can latch. Perhaps the baby is having trouble latching, you can pump and bottle feed with breastmilk until you see a lactation consultant to troubleshoot. There are a variety of reasons you may want the pump during the first few weeks of life, so having a reliable pump is important.

Brest Friend nursing pillow- we love this pillow because it is tall enough to bring the baby to your breast (important for a proper latch, and for your back!) The velcro strap around the back is a great for keeping it in place.

Postpartum ice packs- These are great for swollen and inflamed tissues of the vagina and perineum. Even if you do not tear you may still have swelling from pushing, which is uncomfortable.

Simple bottle and nipples- We often recommend that clients consider cleaning when choosing baby products. Its hard enough to be a mom let alone keep up with cleaning. Bottles with a lot of parts and pieces take a lot of time to clean. Remember that every piece must be hand washed and steamed. Make your life easier by choosing plain and simple.

Steam cleaning bags- these do the job and take so little time to do it! Bottles, nipples, pacifiers and pump parts need to be steam or boil cleaned for 6m-1 year, depending on gestation age at birth.

Freezer meals and easy snacks- as a postpartum doula I cannot tell you how many times I have arrived at a new parents home to find they have done nothing but care for the baby. They have not eaten, drank, showered, brushed their teeth or dressed! The first order of business for us is often to feed the mother! With a stash of nutritionally dense meals and snacks you can grab and go you can easily eat. Our postpartum doula are great at helping make freezer meals and snacks for while we are not there. Being a new mom is exhausting, making sure you are well nourished can help ease the exhaustion; making life a little easier.

Postpartum doula- having a doula come to visit in the first few days home can be a invaluable resource. They can easily help with breastfeeding (latching and positioning), routine building, answering questions about normal postpartum recovery and infant care. They are also there to make you a meal or a few meals, sibling care, let you get a nap or shower, help with laundry, dishes, taking out trash, errand running, pet care. We strive to always provide knowledge, non-judgmental, professional care.

Large water bottle- Being hydrated can have a large impact on how you feel. It can help you be more alert and over all better feeling.

Stool softeners and Motrin- Something that a lot of new moms do not know is that you may get hemorrhoids from pushing. They can be very inflamed and painful. That first bowel movement can be terrifying! The stool softeners will help that experience be bearable. Speak with you OBGYN about how to properly use them and for how long. Motrin can also help with this tissue inflammation in and around your vagina and perineum. Speak with your OBGYN about how to use Motrin properly and for how long.

As always we are here for your postpartum needs and questions


Check out our other blog on postpartum success that details how to transition easily into motherhood once you are past the first two weeks. Click here

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